Have a look at the results of our research below for what field hockey stick brands best suit Forwards.
The results above clearly show that Adidas sticks are preferred by professional forwards. Adidas have a great range of sticks for forwards an are known for their lightweight and speed. Adidas also produce a specialist stick model, the Adidas DF (drag flick), specifically designed for drag flickers, which is a popular stick for international players in attack. Gryphon and Grays also come in as some of the favorites for forwards. Gryphon have the Gryphon Taboo Blue Steel as the most elite level stick while Grays do the GX10000 that is a great lightweight, powerful stick that is commonly used.
However if you are an attacking player or a forward there are a few things you are going to want in a Field Hockey Stick, no matter the brand.
The attack position is defined by finesse, accuracy and precision.
Here are some features to look for in your stick as a forward so you can out the ball in the back of the net!
- Ball Control: Attacking is all about ball control and by this I mean dribbling and one-on-one skills. Its up to you to beat that last defender or take on the goalie, to do this you need to make sure your stick will respond when you need it too. A lot of players will use a shorty toe for this reason to move the ball from side to side quickly.
- Speed: A light weight stick with good balance is always preferred for forwards as it lets them be more agile as they move the ball around an opponent. A fast stick lets you swing your stick quicker which could be the difference between getting the shot off or being intercepted by defense.
- Power: Its important to have a powerful stick as after all you are a striker and will need to smash the ball home. The best sticks for forwards usually have a high carbon content which helps them keep the weight down and deliver a lot of hitting power, however these sticks tend to be very stiff so make sure you can handle the responsiveness.
- Drag Flicks: If you intend on drag flicking the ball you may want to look out for sticks that are designed for that. Some Field Hockey Brands have put features like a slight concave in the shaft to help channel the ball (like the Surgeon 500). Most sticks also have a large bow, 24 or 25mm which helps generate high velocities when drag flicking.
- Tomahawks: A lot of sticks designed for forwards have a reinforced toe or specially shaped toe to help players make good contact when tomahawking the ball, so look out for this if that’s what you will be doing.
To sum up a good stick for forwards, you want something light and easy to control. For more top field hockey sticks a lot of them can be found on our top 10 review page.
Below is an image of Australian Olympic hockey legend Jamie Dywer performing showing his skills in one-on-one with the keeper at the London Olympic games. Interestingly since 2012 Jamie has gone on the develop his own field hockey stick brand JDH which is the stick he now uses.